Angelenos 4 Trees: Get Involved in Preserving LA’s Urban Forest

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Are you concerned about LA’s urban forest? You’re not alone. More and more people are learning about the importance of preserving and enhancing our tree canopy, which cleans our air, captures stormwater, and keeps the city cool. Our urban forest is threatened by the increasingly dry climate, insect infestations, and new development. But we can take action to protect it.

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Attorney Sabrina Venskus

Angelenos 4 Trees is a group of concerned citizens who have come together with the goal of preserving and expanding LA’s urban forest. They held a kick-off event on Saturday, September 15, where a room full of attendees heard from a range of speakers. The day began with an introduction by sustainable landscape designer Jacky Surber, who talked about the challenges that lie ahead. Attorney Sabrina Venskus explained how the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) can be used to protect LA’s trees. Activists Jill Stewart and Ileana Wachtel compared LA to other cities with robust plans for their urban forest and made it clear that we have a long way to go. And Joanne D’Antonio, of the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance (NCSA), demonstrated how citizens can use the internet to monitor tree removals in their neighborhood and beyond.

A4T Joanne

Joanne D’Antonio, Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance

Would you like to get involved? You can. Just send an e-mail to Angelenos 4 Trees and ask to be put on their mailing list. You’ll receive info on issues related to LA’s urban forest and notices about future events. Here’s the address.

A4T White Flowers

4 thoughts on “Angelenos 4 Trees: Get Involved in Preserving LA’s Urban Forest

  1. Interested in planting trees and gardens in local neighborhood. The apartment building I live has a huge roof space. We were told a garden would be started on roof years ago. Available to join you in tree sustainability. Thankyou

    • Thanks for your comment. Actually, I’m just starting to learn about the urban forest, and I still have a long way to go. I wrote the post to publicize Angelenos for Trees, which is a local group dedicated to preserving the urban forest.

      They’re just starting out, and still trying to define their mission, but you might want to sign up for their newsletter.

      If you’re into planting trees, I highly recommend Tree People.

      They’ve been around for years and they do great work. They offer all sorts of programs for people who want to get involved. And they’re also deeply involved in advocating for LA’s urban forest.

  2. Re the fight to keep the Ficus trees along Robertson, keep in mind one other aspect. As the Westchester community can tell you, the city did not tell us that the stretch along Sepulveda would become unsightly once the trees were gone due to all the telephone and high power lines, well as the poles, that all of a sudden were in full view. Before, they were all hidden by the trees and, now, the area is a wasteland.

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